Futures Quotes
Quotes are delayed, as of February 21, 2025, 03:14:17 AM CST or prior.
Ag Market Commentary
- Hogs Fall Again on Thursday
- Lean hogs rounded out Thursday with more pressure, as contracts were down $1.17 to $1.37. The USDA’s national average base hog negotiated price was reported at $89.44, down $2.54 from the day prior. The CME Lean Hog Index continues its rise, up 89 cents on February 18 at $90.98. USDA’s...
- Cattle Face Pressure on Thursday
- Live cattle futures closed out the Thursday session with loses of 20 cents to $1. Cash trade has been slower this week, kicking on with light action at $199 in the South and $315 dressed in the North. The Thursday morning Central Stockyards online Fed Cattle Exchange auction showed sales...
- Wheat Extends Pullback on Thursday
- Wheat had another round of weaker trade on Thursday. Chicago SRW futures were down 6 to 7 cents on the session. KC HRW futures fell another 6 to 7 cents into the close. MPLS spring wheat saw fractional losses at the settle. USDA’s weekly Export Sales report are set to...
- Cotton Slips Lower on Thursday
- Cotton futures settled the Thursday session with contracts down 20 to 27 cents on the day. The outside factors were supportive but ignored. Crude oil futures were up 28 cents/barrel, with the US dollar index $0.818 lower. The Seam reported 5,968 bales in online sales on 2/19 at an average...
- Soybeans Rallies Back on Thursday
- Soybean futures posted a stronger round of trade on Thursday, with gains of 10 to 15 cents at the close. The cmdtyView national front month Cash Bean price was 14 1/4 cents higher at $9.85 1/4. Soymeal futures were up $1.30/ton on the day, with Soy Oil futures back up...
- Corn Holds Gains on Thursday
- The corn market posted fractional gains in the front months on Thursday, as new crop December was 3 cents higher at the close. The CmdtyView national average Cash Corn price is up a penny at $4.66 1/2. The weekly EIA report from this morning showed a total of 1.084 million...